21-21 Jan 2020 Rennes (France)


8h45 - Welcome

9h15 - Opening of the day by the Presidents / Directors of the centres Stéphane Ubeda (Inria Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique) and Hélène Lucas (INRAE Rennes)

9h20 - Introduction of the day by the Chief Executive Officers: Philippe Mauguin (INRAE) and Bruno Sportisse (Inria)

9h45 - Intervention of the Deputy Scientific Directors and Head of Department: Hugues Berry (Inria), Hervé Monod (INRAE) and Jacques Sainte-Marie (Inria)

10h00 - Presentation by Caroline Baroukh (INRAE Toulouse). Metabolic modelling of plant-pathogen interactions

10h30- Presentation by Guillaume Cerutti (INRAE and Inria Lyon). Gnomon : Towards a collaborative computational platform to study morphogenesis


11H00 - Coffee break


11h30 - Presentation by Sara Si-Moussi (INRAE Montpellier and Inria Orpailleur, Nancy). Building ecological networks: challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence.

12h00 - Presentation by Christophe Botella (INRAE Montpellier, and Inria Montpellier) Statistical methods for spatial modelling of plant species distribution from large amounts of data from citizen science programs.

12H30 - Presentation of the INRAE-Inria collaborations in Rennes: Hélène Lucas (INRAE Rennes) and Stéphane Ubeda (Inria Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique)


12h50 - Lunch


14H20 - Presentation by Denis Tagu and Fabrice Legeai (INRAE Rennes) Bioinformatics applied to genomics

14H40 - Presentation by Philippe Faverdin (INRAE, Rennes) and Alexandre Termier (Inria Rennes) Exploration and analysis of data from sensors and automatons for decision support in precision breeding

15H00 - Presentation by Dominique Heitz (INRAE Rennes) and Etienne Mémin (Inria Rennes) Coupling models and measurements for the control of turbulent atmospheres in food, agriculture and environment


15H20 - Coffee break


16H00 - Presentation by Patrick Durand (INRAE Rennes) and Véronique Masson (Inria Rennes) Exploration and interrogation of large volumes of simulation data for decision support in the environmental field

16H20 - Presentation by Mélen Leclerc (INRAE Rennes) and Frédéric Weis (Inria Rennes) Intelligent sensor networks for agro-ecology

16H40 - Presentation by Mélen Leclerc (INRAE Rennes) and Frédéric Weis (Inria Rennes) Exploration and analysis of microscopy images for modeling in cell biology and microbiology

17H00 - End of the day

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